Osvaldo Salcedo Leonel Barroso. 1978 Havana, Cuba. Formacin. Current course of study in the specialty Restauraciny Conservacin him in the Art Institute. 2002-2006. National Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro, Special Sculpture. Ciudad de la Habana. 1999-2004. Institute Pedaggico JosVarona Henry. Licensed in Educacin Artstica, Msica. Ciudad de la Habana. Exhibitions staff. 2006. Shadows solo yo veil. JosAntonio Pelez galley. Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro. Ciudad de la Habana. Group exhibitions. 2009. Photography contest organized by the UN and the photo archive. National Library JosMart. 2009. Pequeo form of drinks. 8va National Biennial Sculpture Rita Longa. District Council it Galera de las Artes PLSTIC. Las Tunas. 2009. Drinks Art Ertico mild La Grace de los naked. UNEAC galley. Las Tunas. 2009. Expo-Collective Mltiples gestures.